Is Your Marketing Losing Air?
Here Are 5 Signs it’s Time to Change the Tires.

With 25 years of marketing experience under my belt, KCG can quickly assess what a business is doing right and wrong with its marketing.

Most often, it’s simply the absence of a results-based marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is a plan of action with the goal to promote and sell a product or service. However, many small businesses lack long term plans, and what’s worse, they fail to track their customers behavior and sources. If you are facing any of these hurdles, pleases call us today. We are your #MarketingPitCrew

  • you resort to lowering prices to attract buyers

Examine how your business simplifies customers’ lives, saves them time, or helps them achieve their goals. Communication is key to maintaining your customers perception of your true value.

  • your message resembles your competitors’

What sets your company apart from others in your industry? If your branding, messaging, and style too closely resemble those of your competitors, prospects won’t differentiate you on anything other than price.

Additionally, ensure that your unique selling proposition is specific and avoids vague claims like having the “best product” or “best customer service,” which is the beginning of the race to the bottom price.

  • your branding appears inconsistent

While it may be daunting to update all your marketing materials whenever your website or logo changes, it’s vital to maintain consistency in messaging, logo, and imagery. Not only should print ads should align with your Facebook ads but something as simple as your logo in different colors can set off alarm bells with new customers. You have just a moment to make an impression on prospects, and a lack of cohesion can hinder brand awareness and render your investments ineffective. Remember, cohesive equals consistent.

  • you experience low customer retention rates

Retaining existing customers should be more straightforward than acquiring new ones. Evaluate your sales funnel for returning customers and identify opportunities to encourage repeat business, such as sending emails, or postcards to your current customer list, or using Instagram ads.

Implementing a loyalty program that rewards regular purchases can also be effective. Discounts and special offers in your advertising can entice people to revisit your website and explore additional products and services.

  • your online presence is minimal

Surprisingly, some businesses still lack a website in 2024. I hear it all the time, “I don’t get customers from my website”. If you fall into this category, that isn’t because you don’t need a website, it’s because you don’t have one. A credible online presence is crucial, and a complete absence of one may raise red flags for prospects. Whatever your ‘lead funnel’ is, imagine this; One salesman sells $100k of goods/services per year, so logic says two salesmen would sell $200k of goods/services right? If foot traffic alone is getting you $100k of goods/services, shouldn’t foot traffic PLUS web traffic provide you $200k? The math is of course not that simple, but trust me when I tell you, it’s not far off.

If a website isn’t feasible at the moment, establish a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Google My Business. Regularly update your profiles by posting content. It’s important for prospects to perceive your business as legitimate and to have a platform for recourse, such as leaving reviews. Google rewards consistency and you will find, so do your customers.



