Marketing Calculator
2024 Get who Gets You Commercial
– eharmony 0124

Okay, first – EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!! Second, way to stop traffic! This campaign is filled with just these types of moments. We all have them. And to be frank, (Not ‘Frank’, only he can be him!) weird is definitely having a moment. It’s interesting that it takes a dating app to point this out. Freshly showered and wrapped in a towel, a man takes a peek in the bathroom mirror and realizes there’s a giant blemish on his shoulder that he can’t quite reach. His solution is to ask his boo to play a round of Dr. Pimple Popper.
eHarmony is pairing this campaign off with a soft ‘brand refresh’. This at the same time both brilliant and refreshing. Compared with some recent major branding stumbles we’ve seen recently (some showcased here) it’s nice when we see someone doing it right. Dr. Pimple Popper is just one of a few that have turned out to be my wife and my favorites; ‘warm laundry’ and ‘dead plant’ also really speak to our personal relationship. To see that there are three editions that speak to just our relationship speaks volumes to the marketing teams research and insightfulness!
Marketing Calculator Integers
Marketing Score
- 9
- 8
- 9
- 8
- 9