Marketing Calculator
superbowl 2022 commercial
– coinbase and the qr incident

I have been preaching the QR gospel since the early 2000’s to no avail here in the US. Tragically it took a global pandemic to get the US population to finally embrace the power of the QR code. The hospitality industry has brought the QR code to the front of everyone’s cell phones. Regrettably, Coinbase tried to be funny and only proved how far disconnected they are from the rest of us. Super relevant in utilizing the QR code as the primary ‘character’ however spending your whole time with a single QR bouncing around a black screen, by the time they displayed their message, most people had already walked away from the television. This is one of those instances where function was supposed to be the form but just wasn’t. Really the only upside was how much talk was generated by the very poorly received commercial.
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