Last week in honor of the Oscars announcements, I introduced the concept of #moviemotifmarketing to this thread. Having seen examples of this trend continuing this past weekend, I feel now might be a great opportunity to open the floor for additional discussion. While we can argue the use of the term, the concept itself it indisputable. The thumbs above and others in our Calculator demonstrate this clearly enough. Please review your feeds on the various social channels and let me know what you find!

To define a thing is to acknowledge its existence. Not sure if someone has said that before but it sure sounds real. We’ve seen the eTrade baby portray an action hero agent being called back into service, the H&R Block guy recreate the #DirtyDancing scene with a new client, and Mark Hamill portray a Jedi master mentoring a new racer not to mention #Arnold appearing in a ‘premiere’ styled commercial for his eventual appearance in State Farm commercials. Still looking forward to the Pepsi Mini Cans ad as well as the movie motif campaigns by JC Penny and AmEx. The element that is the same in all of these commercials is the use of common cinematic genre’s or specific and commonly known films. I have always loved this style of campaign, I once mimicked a scene from Mission Impossible 3 for a campaign I developed. Please suggest additional examples you see or have as a favorite.

Image in conjunction with tripleseat



